Myndigheten för stöd till trossamfund
Myndigheten för stöd till trossamfund


This website uses necessary cookies to provide the best possible user experience and for our services to be secure and work properly.

Cookies are small text files stored on the visitor's computer that can be used to track what the visitor does on the website. The cookies used on this website are stored in order to make the user experience better and are not harmful to your computer.

We use the following cookies:

  • SV-COOKIE-CONSENT: Stores consent cookie, so you don't have to answer the question on each visit.
  • JSESSIONID: This cookie is used to tie the user to a session (your visit). The session is then used by Sitevision for a variety of things related to the user.
  • SiteVisionLTM: Sitevision Cloud uses this unique cookie to keep track of which underlying server the client should communicate with.


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If you do not accept the use of cookies, you can turn off cookies in your browser's security settings. Through the browser you can also delete previously stored cookies, see the browser's help pages for more information.